Louise Lawler, Projekt für Installation Schaukabinett (Albertinum in Dresden)
© Louise Lawler

(SELECTED). Louise Lawler

When choosing subjects for her photographic investigations into the art scene, Louise Lawler prefers to devote her attention to the works of those artists to whom she feels a personal affinity. Postwar American art and works of her own generation therefore predominate. Alongside Andy Warhol, she is particularly partial to the work of Gerhard Richter. In the case of both artists, paintings based on photographs and experimentation with the photographic medium form the core of their art. Richter’s photo paintings from the 60s form the foundation of his work, and he also transposed their media-related approach to his later abstract paintings.

  • DATES 24/04/2012—15/07/2012


His artwork is a uniquely suitable subject for Lawler’s investigations. They are both figurative and abstract and are to be found in great numbers in public museums, private collections, and on the international auction market. Richter’s aloof approach to his work, which countenances no spontaneous emotivity, finds its congenial counterpart in Lawler’s coolly scrutinizing photographs. With Richter’s series strips, of which examples are exhibited on the second floor in the permanent collection, and with Lawler’s photographs that she stretches and directly installs onto the wall, both artists found new aesthetic formulas from the portfolio of their own artworks.

Louise Lawler, Life Expectancy, 2010
© Louise Lawler/Metro Pictures, New York
Louise Lawler, Life Expectancy, 2010 Cibachrome, 47 x 37,5 cm


The exhibition in the series Schaukabinett presents some examples of her photographic approach towards Gerhard Richter’s paintings.

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